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ASTEM Near You
We started our journey with the open day celebration of the 250th anniversary of Geneva Observatory in 2022. Since then, we had our presence at a couple of places, including conferences and symposiums. Here are glimpses from each of those events, where we received an overwhelming response from people from all walks of life, be it a student, researchers, professors, amateur astronomers, technicians and people in general. Seeing their reactions upon first sight at our ASTEM t-shirts was priceless. People were jumping, smiling, laughing, sneaking from behind, checking whether t-shirts were hand-embroidered and hand-painted, and eventually buying them happily like a kid. Check out some of those priceless moments from ASTEM's outreach.
Hey! is it for real?
Can you buy one for me?
Aha!! I already got one
I am fine with just pics
Oh! let me order one for me
I used this telescope my whole life
I look cool! No caption please!!
Ah! I understand
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